Friday 19 October 2012

Dorset Lookout Tower Colours

Dorset, Ontario is a small community on Lake of Bays near Algonquin Park.  This tower was originally built to monitor for forest fires.  Now it is primarily a tourist lookout tower.  The autumn colours were especially beautiful this fall.  I hadn't visited this area since childhood so it was a real treat to climb, and enjoy spectacular views.  The forests stretch for miles in all directions.  Small lakes nestle among the rolling hills.  This is Canadian Shield country-old worn pink and grey granite that forms the bedrock of North America.  I appreciate the First Nations name: Turtle Island, she carries us all on her broad back.  The trees are mostly hardwoods, especially sugar maples, and oaks.  They make wonderful oxygen.  Many thanks!!!
If you are breathing today, thank the green beings of our little planet.  They do their part.

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